Due to the ridiculously stupid amount of spam the hostess
has been receiving from this page in regards to whether or not she would
like an erection or to sleep with Suzie, Kim, Linda, Beth, Barbie, Holly,
Jennifer, and any number of their girlfriends, the contact form has been
taken down. If you are coming to Kinsouth, please email the web
mistress and let her know the following:
- Who the hell you are.
- How many in your party
- Which site you will be staying at
- ETA (estimated time of arrival)
- If you are donating to the Saturday feast, what will you be
- And if you like cheese.
You can find the hostess' email on any number of pages in
this section of
www.anotherotherkin.com - but for obvious reasons you won't find it
here. Thank you. |